Name: Jelle
Nickname: FISSURE
Alter/Age: 16
Cod Erfahrung/Experience: 2000+ hours
Clanvergangenheit/Past Clans: [P*A*G], V (1st and 2th squad) a7x (1st and 2th squad) `compLxty~ , HighE, and many more..
Ziele bei und mit uns/what you want to Achieve with us: cuz the clan is so funny, and i like the clan, and the ppl who are in the clan blablabla.. TEST ME!
Warum wir/why us?: darum
Warum gerade sollten wir dich aufnehmen/Why should we take you: cuz i'll give u skills and i've fun :D
Wie bist du auf uns Aufmerksam geworden/How did u hear about us: tdm server, scrims, and some guys, like manium snockz adaiiR and some more
Hast du schonmal gehackt?/ever hacked?: NEVER.
Lieblingsmap/fav map: harbor stalingrad brecourt
Wie Aktiv bist du(1-10)/how active are you?: 20+ hours in a week.
greetz FISSURE
Nickname: FISSURE
Alter/Age: 16
Cod Erfahrung/Experience: 2000+ hours
Clanvergangenheit/Past Clans: [P*A*G], V (1st and 2th squad) a7x (1st and 2th squad) `compLxty~ , HighE, and many more..
Ziele bei und mit uns/what you want to Achieve with us: cuz the clan is so funny, and i like the clan, and the ppl who are in the clan blablabla.. TEST ME!
Warum wir/why us?: darum
Warum gerade sollten wir dich aufnehmen/Why should we take you: cuz i'll give u skills and i've fun :D
Wie bist du auf uns Aufmerksam geworden/How did u hear about us: tdm server, scrims, and some guys, like manium snockz adaiiR and some more
Hast du schonmal gehackt?/ever hacked?: NEVER.
Lieblingsmap/fav map: harbor stalingrad brecourt
Wie Aktiv bist du(1-10)/how active are you?: 20+ hours in a week.
greetz FISSURE